Lets look into the mirror when driving.
Malaysian traffic is my nemesis -
avoiding potholes, motorists refusing to give way, dodging motorcycles and 16-wheel lorries alike..
after a few hours on the road I find myself exhausted not only physically, mentally and emotionally, but also spiritually.
No joke - in this month of Ramadhan, driving in Malaysia is truly a test of sabr and iman.
Let’s look into the mirror when driving.
Yet, after a while, it dawned on me that I am committing the same mistakes as the drivers around me - if not worse.
I too cut lines, block others from joining the lane, park inappropriately.
What was it which prevented me from being aware of my own mistakes in the first place?
A sense of entitlement?
A sort of superiority complex?
Perhaps the main issue is not actually the misdemeanour of other drivers; rather it is my reaction towards them.
In that sense my fellow motorists are a mirror, reflecting the diseases of my own heart.
Let’s look into the mirror when driving.
In this new Malaysia there is a new confidence among Malaysians to ‘muhasabah’ those in authority - ie to hold them to account for their wrongdoings. Such confidence is indeed a positive change for this country.
But let us remember that muhasabah first and foremost is to be directed towards oneself - towards one’s own heart and actions.
Let’s look into the mirror when driving.
Not only on Malaysian roads, but in life in general.
#ramadhanmubarak #malaysiabaru #malaysiamenujunegararahmah